
Monday, May 28, 2012


I purchased a domain for this blog. Now the big question is, will I actually use it? Would anyone want me to expand my blog to a full website about drug abuse and recovery? I love to write, so I would love to make a functional, up-to-date website about the truth of drug use, abuse, recovery, and all the nasty choices we make to keep up that lifestyle.

I ask because I have been blogging the shit outta my other domain, and I really enjoy working with it. I am not keeping a paper journal at this time, so that is where all my extra writing energy is coming from.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I'm always open to them both. I write for myself, but I really want feedback on my writing, so this has to be somewhat user content.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to those that celebrate it. I spent the evening consoling poor Champ. His mother stopped having anything to do with him when he came out. Something stupid about never being able to be a grandmother now. The catch line that I blurted out was, "Haven't you told her that gays have discovered a miracle? Babies without sex! Seriously! The hetero people almost never use that method!" Champ was laughing that contagious laugh that he has with in seconds. That's my friend! I don't understand how a mother could disown a child because of who or what they are. I remember back when I was doing research for a paper I was writing on genetics, and parents were using a new kind of test to check and see what gender, eye colour and hair colour their babies were before they were born, and a whopping 16 out of 26 parents aborted their baby because it was not going to be the star of the football team, have the correct gender, hair or eye combination. It made me sick, researching that paper.

I looked down at my two boys playing "pick boogie" with their napping sister (yes, that game is exactly what you think it might be!), and I wondered how anyone can not love their children because of their sexuality. How could a human being kill a child (third trimester abortions here) because it was not going to live up to their "American Dream"?

I want to write more, but my back is hurting from sitting in this chair all day working on files and sites and installs. All I did was sit and work. It really did a number on my back, and I'm afraid that I am going to have to reach for that Vicodin after all. Maybe even the other medications that I was prescribed over the past week. I do not feel comfortable with taking them, but I will, just because I am sore tonight and I have to be at my best tomorrow, for appointments.

Sorry for a shite post, all. I promise better things are in the horizon. Even if I have to upload and post boring pics of my babies, maybe one of Mommie. Have a happy rest of the weekend, all!
Happy Mother's Day to those that celebrate it. I spent the evening consoling poor Champ. His mother stopped having anything to do with him when he came out. Something stupid about never being able to be a grandmother now. The catch line that I blurted out was, "Haven't you told her that gays have discovered a miracle? Babies without sex! Seriously! The hetero people almost never use that method!" Champ was laughing that contagious laugh that he has with in seconds. That's my friend! I don't understand how a mother could disown a child because of who or what they are. I remember back when I was doing research for a paper I was writing on genetics, and parents were using a new kind of test to check and see what gender, eye colour and hair colour their babies were before they were born, and a whopping 16 out of 26 parents aborted their baby because it was not going to be the star of the football team, have the correct gender, hair or eye combination. It made me sick, researching that paper.

I looked down at my two boys playing "pick boogie" with their napping sister (yes, that game is exactly what you think it might be!), and I wondered how anyone can not love their children because of their sexuality. How could a human being kill a child (third trimester abortions here) because it was not going to live up to their "American Dream"?

I want to write more, but my back is hurting from sitting in this chair all day working on files and sites and installs. All I did was sit and work. It really did a number on my back, and I'm afraid that I am going to have to reach for that Vicodin after all. Maybe even the other medications that I was prescribed over the past week. I do not feel comfortable with taking them, but I will, just because I am sore tonight and I have to be at my best tomorrow, for appointments.

Sorry for a shite post, all. I promise better things are in the horizon. Even if I have to upload and post boring pics of my babies, maybe one of Mommie. Have a happy rest of the weekend, all!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

you’re dead to me and I missed your funeral

I must be living on some alternate planet and time line. The doctor gave me Vicodin yesterday. Sixty of them. For the next three months. I'm screwed.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Changes in the Drugs

I signed up for another way to follow this blog:
Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

I am going into a new phase of my life. My doctor wants to get me off as many of my medications as possible. I don't know if that is a good idea or not, medically speaking. I know there would be far less drama here if I were not on all those pills. I think my doctor assumes that I am going to kill myself because of the massive amounts of medication I am on with my depression. I will know more after next week when I get to see him.

Other than that, life is going flowingly. I am excited to be starting some new changes in my life, and I hope they all go for the better. Warm and positive thoughts!

I signed up for another way to follow this blog:
Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

I am going into a new phase of my life. My doctor wants to get me off as many of my medications as possible. I don't know if that is a good idea or not, medically speaking. I know there would be far less drama here if I were not on all those pills. I think my doctor assumes that I am going to kill myself because of the massive amounts of medication I am on with my depression. I will know more after next week when I get to see him.

Other than that, life is going flowingly. I am excited to be starting some new changes in my life, and I hope they all go for the better. Warm and positive thoughts!
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