If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's the religious zealots that seem to take over the world.
Or the conversation. Which ever they prefer or think their points will be the most heard.
It's nice that people have opinions, thoughts, feelings, but one cannot have those and infringe on the opinions, thoughts and feelings of others. The other day, I came across a religious zealot on the internet. They graced my domain blog by letting me know that by succumbing to Fentanyl patches to control pain inflicted on my by a stoned driver, I was an unfit parent and my husband should have me committed while moving my dear, innocent children as far away from me as humanly possible. Nice Christian, huh?
One of the sites they credited their opinions of me, someone they spent all of three minutes reading the front page of my site before judging me with heavily tainted "sources", was one of those nutjob religious pages that makes one want to vomit. Gays, sluts, whore, redheads, working moms, women who choose not to get married, women who choose not to have children, TV watchers, people who buy groceries at a store, and so fourth, are all evil, satanic and going to hell. Alright, motherfucker. See ya there!
These were the pages they quoted as sources for the abuse towards me:
TV, and
microwaves. I'm not sure how microwaves got in the middle of this, but it did.
One of the things I can't stress enough is that I'm not ashamed of my past. It's part of what made me who I am today. Without the things I have lived through, I wouldn't be the person I am. I would not have the life I have today if it were not for my past. I believe in God. I believe in Heaven. I don't believe God is this asshole that the Christians today perceive him to be. They feel that because they are "saved" they can fuck over anyone they want, be the biggest assholes in the world, and it's all fine and dandy because God has reserved a special place for them in Heaven when they die, all because they muttered prayers to a being they have never seen before.
While I believe there is more to life than what we see, there is the logical side to me. What if we're wrong? What if our lives are all we have? That is why I am forgiving. That is why I am nice to as many people as I can, until they fuck me over. That is why I believe in the goodness of others and the innocence in their mistakes. I believe we should have fun in this life, while we still can. We're invincible as long as we're alive. I believe in preserving the innocence of childhood. So what if my five year old does not have a bank account and is not seriously writing checks? She's
five. She's five years old! She shouldn't be cooking meals and writing checks! She'll have plenty of time to do that when she's 18+. At the same time, my boys shouldn't be building houses and handling tools. Anyone else know of a three year old that can run a band saw? Or should I ask,
Does anyone else know any parents crazy enough to let their three year old(s) run a band saw?
Perhaps my children are missing out on growing up too fast, but I'm not in a hurry anymore. Neither should they.
Let's touch on the real issue here. My drug use. The fact that I have a few male friends, gays, straight, bisexual. What kind of an example am I setting for my children? Well, for one, my children just assume that I have many friends. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't we encourage our children to make friends? I don't have any hangups about sex, so why should my kids, when they come of age? Drugs? You mean those l
egal prescriptions that aren't abused or over used and that I take to erase the pain inflicted on me by a stoned driver who got out of the criminal charges because he told the judge he "found Jesus" and would never drive stoned again? Yeah. I take a minimum dose at night and some during the day. My kids don't know what I am taking. Mommy is sick. There's nothing wrong with that. I can function on the medications. I don't act stupid when I have taken an opioid. They take away my pain. Where's the harm in that?
God, religion and all of that should be about peace, love and tolerance. It should be about treating people during our living years with love, respect and dignity. No matter what they have done to us out of confusion or illness. If someone repeatedly abuses another, the victim should at least try to get away from that person. Not hurt them back. Not be angry with them. An abuser is someone who needs help. Who needs the right kind of attention to stop their ways. I have faith in many people. I love to see people progress beyond their meager selves and habits. Studying psychology to the point of getting a Bachelor's Degree in it made me see this.
Before I bid you all farewell, I'm leaving you with this picture. The domestic violence and abuse has started back up. If things don't improve in a few days, when my husband gets home, there's going to be some changes in my life that others probably won't like, will probably judge me for, and you know what? I really don't care. But it's interesting, nevertheless.
If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's the religious zealots that seem to take over the world.
Or the conversation. Which ever they prefer or think their points will be the most heard.
It's nice that people have opinions, thoughts, feelings, but one cannot have those and infringe on the opinions, thoughts and feelings of others. The other day, I came across a religious zealot on the internet. They graced my domain blog by letting me know that by succumbing to Fentanyl patches to control pain inflicted on my by a stoned driver, I was an unfit parent and my husband should have me committed while moving my dear, innocent children as far away from me as humanly possible. Nice Christian, huh?
One of the sites they credited their opinions of me, someone they spent all of three minutes reading the front page of my site before judging me with heavily tainted "sources", was one of those nutjob religious pages that makes one want to vomit. Gays, sluts, whore, redheads, working moms, women who choose not to get married, women who choose not to have children, TV watchers, people who buy groceries at a store, and so fourth, are all evil, satanic and going to hell. Alright, motherfucker. See ya there!
These were the pages they quoted as sources for the abuse towards me:
TV, and
microwaves. I'm not sure how microwaves got in the middle of this, but it did.
One of the things I can't stress enough is that I'm not ashamed of my past. It's part of what made me who I am today. Without the things I have lived through, I wouldn't be the person I am. I would not have the life I have today if it were not for my past. I believe in God. I believe in Heaven. I don't believe God is this asshole that the Christians today perceive him to be. They feel that because they are "saved" they can fuck over anyone they want, be the biggest assholes in the world, and it's all fine and dandy because God has reserved a special place for them in Heaven when they die, all because they muttered prayers to a being they have never seen before.
While I believe there is more to life than what we see, there is the logical side to me. What if we're wrong? What if our lives are all we have? That is why I am forgiving. That is why I am nice to as many people as I can, until they fuck me over. That is why I believe in the goodness of others and the innocence in their mistakes. I believe we should have fun in this life, while we still can. We're invincible as long as we're alive. I believe in preserving the innocence of childhood. So what if my five year old does not have a bank account and is not seriously writing checks? She's
five. She's five years old! She shouldn't be cooking meals and writing checks! She'll have plenty of time to do that when she's 18+. At the same time, my boys shouldn't be building houses and handling tools. Anyone else know of a three year old that can run a band saw? Or should I ask,
Does anyone else know any parents crazy enough to let their three year old(s) run a band saw?
Perhaps my children are missing out on growing up too fast, but I'm not in a hurry anymore. Neither should they.
Let's touch on the real issue here. My drug use. The fact that I have a few male friends, gays, straight, bisexual. What kind of an example am I setting for my children? Well, for one, my children just assume that I have many friends. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't we encourage our children to make friends? I don't have any hangups about sex, so why should my kids, when they come of age? Drugs? You mean those l
egal prescriptions that aren't abused or over used and that I take to erase the pain inflicted on me by a stoned driver who got out of the criminal charges because he told the judge he "found Jesus" and would never drive stoned again? Yeah. I take a minimum dose at night and some during the day. My kids don't know what I am taking. Mommy is sick. There's nothing wrong with that. I can function on the medications. I don't act stupid when I have taken an opioid. They take away my pain. Where's the harm in that?
God, religion and all of that should be about peace, love and tolerance. It should be about treating people during our living years with love, respect and dignity. No matter what they have done to us out of confusion or illness. If someone repeatedly abuses another, the victim should at least try to get away from that person. Not hurt them back. Not be angry with them. An abuser is someone who needs help. Who needs the right kind of attention to stop their ways. I have faith in many people. I love to see people progress beyond their meager selves and habits. Studying psychology to the point of getting a Bachelor's Degree in it made me see this.
Before I bid you all farewell, I'm leaving you with this picture. The domestic violence and abuse has started back up. If things don't improve in a few days, when my husband gets home, there's going to be some changes in my life that others probably won't like, will probably judge me for, and you know what? I really don't care. But it's interesting, nevertheless.